Friday, February 24, 2006

Time of change

The subway entrance near my apartment.

Today marks my 6 month anniversary in Korea! It was also graduation day for the kindergartners at the school. Tonight we will be celebrating with a staff kalbi dinner, which will no doubt include many soju bombs from the owner followed by a trip to a noreabang for some ludicrously drunk singing. No use fighting it, it's the Korean way.

My time in Korea will be equally divided by many factors taking place in the next week:

I am losing most of my current classes and will be the new teacher for the brand new 5 year olds. (That means I get to name them all! Suggestions welcome.)

I have a different work schedule and will no longer be working overtime. I now get an 1.5 hour break everyday!

My best friend and co-worker that I met here is leaving. It definitely won't be the same without her around...

Three new foreign teachers are arriving from Canada and the States. That's always interesting.

I'm moving out of my cave into a room with windows! I'm so excited! Unfortunately my new classrooms are all windowless so I will remain part-vampire during the daylight hours.

The weather is beginning to change to spring!

Since I only have 6 months in Korea left I've also begun to research several international job/volunteer/retreat options for my next adventure. That's the kind of research I like. If anyone has any ideas for me, send them my way! I have a couple semi-serious prospects but I'll say more when I know for sure. Who knows what could happen in 6 months for me? I tell myself to stay in the moment (and for the most part I do) but the travel itch is a strong one as many of you fellow travelers know...

For now, it's time to kick off the start to my almost-3 day weekend (I only work 3 hours in the afternoon on Monday!). Peace, I'm out.