My kids
Amy Sue from one of my afternoon classes.

This is my oldest class, minus Sally in front who just moved to China last week. This class wrote pen pal letters to Kansas.

My kindergarten class at the Halloween party with some of the other teachers behind. The guy in the pink is Dede from Kansas.
This is Emily, the most lovable, adorable and smart student ever!!!
Little Miss Deborah with a very typical look on her cute face. I always ask Deborah if she thinks she can fit in my suitcase when I go back to Kansas and she thinks it's so funny! She says she can be my little sister in Kansas.
This is my kindy class all dressed up in hanbok on a fieldtrip where they played traditional Korean games and learned how to bow. In the back: Deb, Aly, Ali, Amy, William, Shelby, Zack & Front: Andrew, Tracy, Jay and Stella. Aren't they the cutest kids ever?!
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