The Good Life
Kitty Class- Shelby, Deborah and Liam

The longer I live here the more I love it. What other job could I have found right out of university where I make millions (of Won, that is), work less than 30 hours a week, have my apartment paid for, be able to live in and fully experience a different country and culture and on the weekends be able to travel to islands? Another big bonus for me is that I don't have to drive and the public transportation here is fast and cheap! As many of you know, a car with me behind the wheel suddenly becomes a magnet for car crashes (drivers without insurance, drunk drivers, Alzheimer's drivers... you name it). Plus, I get plenty of reading done while making the subway trip to and from Seoul.
Anyways, it's Friday afternoon and I'm on my hour break before starting my afternoon classes. I've always loved Halloween, but as a teacher it is just the greatest holiday. Yesterday with Kitty Class (the kindergartners) we made spiders out of construction paper and then hung them from the ceiling and today we made bats and monsters. I love my kindergartners now...they're just so cute! Even when they have straws hanging out of their noses and are making a disaster of the classroom. Halloween should be fun on Monday with everyone at school dressed up. I think we're going on a parade around the block in our costumes... it reminds me of my grade school years of Earhart.
The weekend is almost here...I hope everyone gets dressed up and has a happy Halloween!
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